Rambling Towards Finality

As time passes, and this course draws to a close, a big and ominous threat looms in the distance. The final project. So far this course has been a rewarding experience, however, it is also a bastion of big dreams, with short execution times. I have gone through this course developing a variety of ideas, […]


What is to learn? Don’t we do it every day? By talking, by listening, by sharing ideas? Isn’t sharing a cycle of learning and teaching? Can’t sharing and receiving new ideas lead to new ways of looking at the world? Creativity? Innovation? Alright, I can believe that. But then what’s a teacher? Am I one, […]

Drafting a philosophy of practice

Philosophy of Practice We are all learners together. We teach each other, every day and in everything we do. We are beings of habit and convention. Our language is one of words and actions that develop, change, and evolve. There is always someone who looks at a situation differently. They build from their own understanding […]