Writings and Ramblings

Web Data Integration with ManageBac
This post was written for the talk “APIs and Beyond” at the Faria Education Technology Conference 2021. APIs or Application Programming Interfaces are central
COVID-19 at OCAC Suzhou
The school: OCAC is a new school in Suzhou, China. Although only in its third year, it already had over 1500 students and a program

Getting started with the ManageBac API – Working with Students
ManageBac is a powerful CMS (Curriculum Management System) that offers a lot of structure to the delivery of the IB program. Thankfully, it also includes
The education portal – a look back:
It’s September 2028, and school is just beginning. Students have spent the summer on the education portal, reading about their interests and completing small projects
Well, it’s over!
I really enjoyed this course, and now that it is done, I can look back on a few projects I am truly proud of, most
Rambling Towards Finality
As time passes, and this course draws to a close, a big and ominous threat looms in the distance. The final project. So far this
What is to learn? Don’t we do it every day? By talking, by listening, by sharing ideas? Isn’t sharing a cycle of learning and teaching?
Drafting a philosophy of practice
Philosophy of Practice We are all learners together. We teach each other, every day and in everything we do. We are beings of habit and
Why We Must Abolish Schooling – Ivan Illich
This radical article was a compelling and engaging read. It is hard to accept everything that is mentioned, but a lot of it is ripe
The Contradiction and the Challenge of the Educated Woman – Martin
This engaging and thought provoking article begins with a description by John Stuart Mill of the educated woman as a walking contradiction. “Women who read,