The History of Education: State of the Art – Jurgn Herbst: Reflection

This article is ironic, because while it talks about a major problem for the history of education – namely that “what is needed now, Tenorth concludes, is an educational history that studies and reflects about pedagogical classroom practice in the past and today,” (p. 742), it wholly ignores discussing classroom pedagogy in depth.

Previously, I have mentioned that knowledge is fractal – a fractal is a pattern that stays the same no matter how close or how far you get. What I mean by saying this, is that any idea can spiral on infinitely in different recursions. It is important for us to identify significant topics (which this article does well), and then to explore those ideas meaningfully (something the article neglects).

Overall I found it lacking in a foundation of classroom pedagogical analysis, from which we can develop upon. Rather it is a mere reflection of the issue at hand. Without addressing the issue, we would need to develop an analysis from scratch. I understand that this is not the intended purpose of the writing, and in the footnotes, hints can be found regarding where a deeper analysis of pedagogy lurks, but I did not pursue this exploration yet.

Sorry for the airing of frustrations. I did still find the article and interesting read.

The following quotation resonated with me, describing “education as the disciplining and infantilization of children in order to prepare them for adulthood has been a constant from the beginning of institutionalized schooling to our current practice in the public schools.” (p. 741) This is later contrasted with the “German Reformpadgogik and French education nouvelle” that celebrate the achievements of youth.

There is no need to cast this in such a dire light, in almost every class I have been in, teachers have a genuine care for students, and a desire for their success. What is important is that we remember and realize that education is so much more valuable when we support it with celebration and reflection of student achievement.

Support creates self-efficacy, allowing students the freedom to share and create new understandings, innovating with their learning.

Support is the foundation of education.

  • Herbst, J. (1999). The history of education: State and the art at the turn of the century in Europe and North America. Paedegogia Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, 35(3), 737–747. doi: 10.1080/0030923990350308

Web Data Integration with ManageBac

This post was written for the talk “APIs and Beyond” at the Faria Education Technology Conference 2021.               APIs or Application Programming Interfaces are central

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